cycle multiple colors with live paint bucket
example: with black and none selected, in one swipe I will have every other object black.
Aaron commented
You can only have one color selected at a time. With two selected, after an object is filled, it will switch to the next color for the next object. Example, with 30 colors selected that go from dark to light, you could start at the center of a flower with 30 petals and just spiral out and fill all of them with a gradual shift in color, in one mouse drag. Or you can make a checkered board in seconds without having to manually fill half the board. Thanks. It also would be cool if in a single mouse drag you couldn't overlap any colors, maybe lock the object after it's filled.
Aaron, not sure I get it. Can you please rephrase it or make a mockup? As I see, Live Paint already allows to quickly recolor regions with the same color applied, with a double-click for adjacent regions, and a triple-click for the all the same within the object... But perhaps you mean something else entirely?