Add hotkey (key command) option for panel flyout menus
There are a number of (small) requests for specific items in flyout menus — I’d like to consolidate that, here, into a GENERAL request in the hopes that it will get a larger response. You may not care if Cmd-J (Ctr-J for PC folks) will duplicate a layer as in Photoshop, but maybe you want to be able to create a new swatch with the key press of your choice.
Hotkey users of the world, unite!

Alejandro commented
Yes please. So many items that would benefit greatly from this. For example, In Photoshop you can relink a smart object from the main menus so you are able to add a hotkey and replace the asset quickly.
In Illustrator relinking any placed item is far less direct and unable to be automated, but rather an annoying series of clicks and selecting items from panel menus, with no way to automate this process. If many images need to be replaced, this process becomes exceedingly tedious.