Atomic Design workflow between Illustrator, Figma/XD and Dreamweaver.
Create a workflow between Illustrator, Figma/Adobe XD and Dreamweaver to easily implement Atomic Design systems. In Illustrator, the user should be able to create atoms, molecules, organisms, templates, and pages of a design system that can be opened in Figma/Adobe XD and Dreamweaver too, to speed up prototyping and development.
This workflow should create CSS, classes etc from the Illustrator file on. The changes in Illustrator or Figma/XD should propagate to Illustrator and Dreamweaver.
For example, if I design a main button in Illustrator, when I open the file in Figma/XD, it is already a button there too, with the three states ready to be edited. Then, when I open the correspondent file in Dreamweaver, I have the HTML/CSS already done for that button and its states.