export non-printing layers so they are visible in a PDF
I believe this used to not be a problem, but now when I have a layer set to not print, it is not visible in a PDF. I have to toggle the layer on in Acrobat in order to see it, but this does not work for my needs.
I want to make non-printing layers automatically visible when saving as a PDF.

Herbie, it’s been like this since at least Ai 10, so I believe it never was like you want it to be. It makes a general sense, if one thinks of making a PDF as of 'printing' a document. This ensures the consistency between the printed PDF document and the intention to not have some layers printed.
This is very narrow request, I believe...
If I ever had a task like this at hand, I’d made a custom script that toggles the option to make layers printable, exports a PDF and then toggles the option back.