Swatches panel easier cleanup/delete and Recolor Artwork tool
Have delete options for swatch library in drop down or drag/drop to trash.
Enable delete option in user defined menu to clean up old/saved swatches no longer needed and organize alphabetically or enable us to drag/drop folder within panels for easier regrouping.
Also allow swatches folders to drag/drop to other open windows/working open files.
Allow us to customize our main Swatch panel without having to delete the AI standard swatches every time (but not delete them either just customize or minimize/hide the preset colors).
Recolor tool: enable a way to select a recolor option (or tag multiple options during scrolling) without losing your place or having to restart/re-do the turning on and off of selected colors bars each time. Maybe be able to checkmark image options that it stores in side panel so you're able to go through the whole recolor options without start/stop/reopen/redo etc... then be able to work off your new/saved options. And PLEASE add a go back button to recolor.
A lot of time is wasted in both issues. It's cluttering up my workspace and not user friendly to clean out my swatches and organize as needed.
Recolor tool is a great function but slows down in the usage as to have to save a new image, you lose the original and to get back to continuing you have to restart the whole process, especially when choosing to not recolor some colors... having to redo all that is time consuming. Adding a 'back' button will also help all of us who click too fast and skip over a great color option and frustrated to not be able to go back.
Also don't freeze the screen when recolor panel opens. Sometimes you need to zoom in to see colors better or movie images around and not being able to have access to moving anything makes one have to start all over, or take extra time making sure your screen is the ideal size/layout before starting recolor. Or make the recolor a large window which puts the image inside the window for easier access to zoom, scroll and interact with image.
When you open recolor and use the magnifier to see where each color is located, I can't find a way to get out of that mode, unless I hit the recolor scroll which rearranges my color options. Make it so unclicking pops you back out to where you were wo changing image.
When reducing colors in Recolor window (as used in patterns often) it'd be nice for it to update the number of colors live. Currently we have to keep track in our minds, accept and close the window. Reselect image and reopen recolor to know how many colors we are now at. A live updated number would be great or an easier method than having to reselect/reopen just to see the new number. Or perhaps, add a numerical value to the sidebar swatch panel on the side of the recolor window, to show the live change in number of colors during combining/reducing of colors.

That’s a lot of feedback. Thank you.
However, next time please try to put one request per entry, because UserVoice does not allow to split these into chunks, and the team can’t really track them separately and prioritize. This is sad, since some of these are really important.
Some though already exists, and I can’t understand why you ask for them. Like you absolutely can drag-n-drop a selection of swatches into the trash icon to delete them. There is no context menu in Swatches, but there is a Delete Swatches command in the panel’s flyout menu. There is a way to delete unused swatches, using the Delete Unused Panel Items action, from the default set, or you can limit it to swatches only, using the flyout menu again — it has a Select All Unused command. You can sort swatches (again, the menu!), to some extent.
There are ways to customize the default swatches, by modifying the document profiles, there are some external ways to transfer the swatches between documents.Recolor requests are OK, but it’d be hard for other people to find them and upvote, since it’s all a single large blob now... Can you you split these into separate requests?