Make the type on a path tool smarter
I would like an option to make a text follow a path in a more smooth way. For example, look at the PSG logo where you see how the A and R follow the circular shape, without distorting the shape of the letter.
I understand the request, but these small details you refer to in the original logo are custom made.
You have to manually extend the leg of an R, as the original designer did (you can use Glyph Snapping for that, to snap to live glyphs — this is what this feature was added for in particular), to tweak baseline shift, to adjust kerning... computers are not that good at placing these automatically yet, the only closest thing Ai has is the optical kerning, and it’s not perfect. Letters are still better made by humans, even today.
Ai just won’t be able to make decisions like this, and make them perfect enough. The letters have to feel straight and proportional.
If it’s OK for you to have them bent, you can try more or less automated workarounds, like converting a text into a brush (will require some calculations though) and applying it to a path. Others use mesh distortions, aided with the powerful and free MeshTormentor plugin.Anyway, I don’t think it’s possible at a steady and stable level. I still vote! — but don’t cross my fingers on it even.