Points of a path being able exist in multiple different layers
If you have every tried to make Celtic knot designs, you know what I am talking about. If points of a path can exist in multiple layers this will make it a lot easier for parts of single paths to go below or above other paths, like a ribbon going through different ribbons, making knots or weaves, without the need to cut parts of paths and shift them to different layers. If you have not tride to make celtic knot designs (or something similar) just imagine if you need to edit the curves this 'chopped-up' path with multiple strokes and effects, how utterly messy and unwieldy it would become as a 'single' path is not connected at all!
This will need a new system for paths to become '3D' in someway. The Z dimension can be describe by one more set of control handles, and can be enabled and disabled. I think this will push Illustrator into a whole new 'level'.
Pao, this is the exact purpose the team has recently developed Intertwine — you can try it versions from 27.0, via Object > Intertwine.
It does not give you direct control over points ’depths, but allows us to push and pull intersecting sections of a selected artwork to different depth levels, keeping object as a whole, uncut. Ideal for knots.Have you tried it?