Allow to make sharp transitions using Width Tool
Width Tool allows us to set width markers on a path, to make its stroke’s outline blend between set cross-sections. We have some limited controls over these markers, we can make each side have its own width, we can snap them to points, but that’s it.
What we also need is way to make this transitions sharp, rather than smooth.
Look at the image attached.
The path on the top is a stroke with a variable stroke profile.
The path on the bottom is a demonstration of what we want (an art brush actually).
Sure, we can fake this behavior duplicating an existing marker close the the original (fighting the Ai’s urge to merge them). But if we expand these, this fake sharp transition generates a ton of points we don’t need, and it’s not actually a sharp point at all.
At the meantime, Ai has the Curvature tool, that allows to quickly toggle sharp/smooth for points with a double-click or Ot/Alt-click. Double click for Width tool opens Width Point Edit dialog, but Opt/Alt does nothing — make it toggle the transition type.
At the moment we have to build strokes like this with art brushes, which can’t be edited interactively on canvas, it’s a trial and error process. Adding sharp transitions to the Width Tool will make it much easier.

And I can’t but notice that there is no key we can hold to quickly delete the width markers.
I assumed it should be Delete while the marker is held, but it does nothing. Booo.