It would be great to have the option of GRID ON BACK and GRID IN FRONT in the Properties panel, for example. near the SHOW GRID button as when working with GRIDS sometimes it's better to have them in front and others in back and for this I have always to get into the Preferences panel so as to activate/deactivate this option and it's really annoying...

A script is possible, but it turns out it will actually toggle the option when all documents are closed, which is hardly a solution... So yeah, no workaround for this one :(
There are ways to toggle options in Preferences with a script... the problem is with finding the correct key. Then, one can assign record running this script in an action and assign a hotkey to it, to quickly switch the option.
Doable, but still it should be a native way to assign hotkeys to these.I myself using an even weirder workaround — toggle Overprint Preview, which multiplies the grid, making it in front in a way. This disables GPU, but what can you do.