Feature Request: Preference for Copy and Duplicate Layers without auto renaming and adding "copy" to them
Hi Adobe 🙂
I make large Illustrator files that have lots of layers, and often I find myself copying a layer that has a ton of sublayers. I spend way too much time renaming the copied layers removing the word "copy" or "copy 3" etc from the sublayer names.
I have found some workarounds, if this helps anyone. If I want to copy a layer called **, I will copy it, then rename it XXXz then paste and the new pasted layer is ** without the name copy, then I can go back and remove the z from the name of the source layer.
But often, I just want to option drag a complicated layer or a number of elements into another layer and have the names not change.
Can we make a preference for not renaming duplicated or copied files? It would save me a ton of time and effort, and it seems like it wouldnt be a big deal to add a feature like that - it's not really complicated, but of course it takes time and resources away from other things perhaps?
Still if it's an easy fix PLEASE consider it? It would save me many hours of time over a month.
Indeed. Layer Panel Options dialog would be a perfect way for this option.
Reminds me of a similar setting Photoshop has, 'Add "copy" to Copied Layers and Groups' — while in Illustrator this should also apply to artboards... and also brushes, symbols, styles — but I suppose it’s not possible to have these with non-unique names, unlike layers and artboards.
Plus — Photoshop has 'Do not append "copy" to filename when saving a copy'. Sure we need this as well.