Placing "Show Import Options" - Import Photoshop Artboards Individually into Illustrator
Give placing options (similar to the PDF import options) when placing a Photoshop file (.PSD and .PSB) into Illustrator; if the "Show Import Options" box is checked, give the user the options to import Photoshop Artboards Individually (Similar to .Ai and PDF Artboards) or as the whole image file.
The "Show Import Options" box must be checked to get these options, however if not checked, the whole image file will be imported into Illustrator regardless of artboards present.

Makes total sense to have it, but I suppose this would take an effort for both teams... Photoshop’s artboards internally seem to be not really 'pages' (as in PDF) or 'viewports' (as in Ai), but just groups with special attributes. Again, definitely a thing that teams should resolve. Voted.