Layer Tags, Virtual Layer Groups and Regex Search
I want to be able to keep layer names simple in projects with large numbers of layers, but I also want to be able to search for those layers in specific circumstances quickly and easily. To do this, I would like to be able to add "tags" to the layer properties (when you double click the layer), and then to have those tags searchable in the layer search.
Further, I often have to toggle between two layers amongst a longer group of layers at the same level, and right now I have to do a layer search for one, turn off those layers, then do another search and turn on the new layers. I would like to be able to use a REGEX search to be able to search for two terms at the same time.
Lastly, once tags are implemented, I would like to have a new tool where I can register a number of tags under a toggle, so that when I turn on/off the toggle, all layers with the tags assigned to the toggle are in turn toggled as a group. Call it a virtual layer if you will, or a layer group that doesn't require layers to be in the same branch.
Kevin, I get what you mean.
To be fair, layers in Ai DO support tags, but there is no native UI to expose them and offer this amount of control.There is a related and less detailed general request to have Layer Comps:
Two existing external solutions were mentioned in the comments there:
1. CADlayers panel, offered by CADtools plugins suite, with layers groups it provides:
2. AG Layer Comps panel, made by Astute Graphics, which is very similar to the one Photoshop has, and works with top-level layers: are handy, but none supports REGEX search. I believe these two vendors are more responsible than the Adobe machine, so perhaps you can ask them to develop this part.
Anyway, thanks for the request made! It’d be somewhat niche, but extremely powerful for users who ahve to deal with myriad of layers.