Variable Width point distribution advanced controls
The standard distribution of the width points and number of width points needs a toggle to advanced controls where the width points can be locked to (or between specified) anchor points on the path.
I hypothesize that this would fix the glitch where the movement, addition or subtraction of anchor points throws the width distribution out of wack.
• Would also like to see more pronounced the location of all width points when the path is selected instead of fumbling along the path; perhaps secondary color to standard layer color.
• Within the "Width Point Edit" dialogue, buttons to advance to next width point or previous.
• Ability to lock/unlock the anchor point and width point, and if they are overlapping, add additional embellishment to the anchor point icon, like an outline for the addition of a width point or a diagonal strike if it is locked.
• Numeric control over number of width points at start, perhaps some occasion to reduce number of width points later, especially if the path was created the old (current) way.
• Curve control over ins and outs
• And for complex bends maybe toggle a way to fill in the holes created by the overlaps in the generated boundary.
• I surely missed some good suggestions in previously posted requests, the advanced control dialog would be a good place for that stuff too.
Would love if this could transfer over to After Effects shape layers, or on mask paths convert this data to feathered mask points
I love using the width point control to layout character storyboards, its good for adding the muscle contour between anchor points (joints). It could be faster than sketching, but it needs to be better, the shift and the unnecessary points that are added for reasons unknown to me are very frustrating, I've played with saving the width profiles to toggle between characters on the same pose, shows promise.

What a great request.
Some of these were indeed mentioned here and there in separate entries, but some of these (being absolutely worth it) — weren’t.
Voted.Some of the hiccups you describe can be avoided with a plugin tools from Astute Graphics suite. They have to build over the existing tech, so some issues can’t be resolved by these tools — like the hole-patching on tight curves — but some other things you never mentioned can be done, and controls are fine. If you deal with these often, I advise you to at least check it out:
I won’t split this request into separate ideas, but I’d appreciate you making new entries here as split ones: these usually are easier to vote for, to evaluate, and to search for.
And huge thanks for making it in the first place, welcome. Do not hesitate to vote for existing entries here. It matters.