Increase levels of smoothing for paintbrush or pencil
To have control on stabilization of small form or

iviansur commented
It wouldn't hurt to add more smoothing steps, but I believe the issue isn't solely due to the lack of smoothing. Perhaps 'Preserve sharp corners' should also be included.
Yep, it is more aggressive in its fitting, I noticed this as well.
I extracted the error message report into a separate report: — please add more details on the bug there, if you have any.
Anonymous commented
Trying it just now. It seems cute but to have good response have to paint really slowly (also with ACCURATE way checked on). It also reported an error to me several times. I attach screenshots
New idea from comment
This comment was upgraded into a new idea: Using Pencil tool with Live Feedback enabled throws a UNXP error message -
Tommaso, some changes we made into the way Pencil handles smoothing in the latest Beta, with the Live Feedback option enabled in the tool’s options.
Can you please check it and see if this matches the idea you have for smoothing? If not — please comment back on it in general.
In any case — kindly demonstrate the cases where you feel the current smoothing fails you and explain why.