Make Revert operation into a History step we can undo
Shielding Revert this with a confirmation does NOT work.
Having confirmations is a bad UX solution, and it’s known now — it seems like only Adobe is not aware.
People don’t read these, and either learn to not notice these or to skip these.
What apps should do instead is to allow a mistake, but then giving a chance to Undo it.
Like modern email clients now do — you can undo sending an email, because there is a hidden delay.
Photoshop does NOT have a confirmation, but it allows us to UNDO the Revert, unlike other apps.
Make Revert operation into a History step we can undo

It actually makes sense. Even with a warning it’s still an easy thing to miss in a hurry.
I’d say Ai can drop the history, but allow us to undo the Revert operation.
If we compare it to the way Photoshop does it — Revert would be just a jump to the original Create/Open step, while showing all subsequent steps after that. It’d be still easy to make one operation and erase all of these... So Ai should just do it better than Ps does. -
PEI CI commented
I was working in Illustrator and accidentally click on Revert and now my works are gone, it would be better if there is a undo button for that.