Allow to make menus and dropdowns more compact on smaller screens
Anything under 1920x1080 does not allow for UI scaling. I use the drop down menus a lot. When I have to also scroll on each drop down menu it causes a lot of time loss. If I could scale the menu lists to remove the need to scroll it would be very helpful.
I see that the tab/menu for Effect is still an older style menu list. It's much more compact.
Maybe there is a way to revert all the menu lists to that older style?

That’s how I phrased the title, yes
eric commented
For a little more clarity I attached a couple photos A and B.
My issue is with A. Most menu lists are in a newer windows style drop down which is spread out and leaves me having to scroll.
If we could have the option to make all menus look like the Effect tab in photo B that would be perfect. It's much more compact and would allow all of the menu items to fit on screen and would reduce the need to scroll down on each menu.
I believe this is only an issue for lower resolution screens and laptops.
Eric, I’ve promoted your comment into a new request, since it’s quite different from the one you commented in.
You want the menus and dropdowns to be more compact, while that one is about making them bigger — which UI scaling does allow, but only for larger screens. The thing you want is something UI scaling currently just can’t allow, and it’s not really scaling (which tries to be uniform), but rather a 'compactization'.The menus you say are fine, Effect and Select > Same, are reported to look terrible on both Windows 10 and 11 here:
While these indeed look compact, it’s just a hack, to allow captions.The idea is nice though, I’m upvoting it.
Photoshop allows more narrow menus, and some would like to squeeze air out of many other places.
At least we can make Layers more dense and compact.