Allow to hold Shift to force Aligned (orthogonal) Dimensions
Ai now tries to smartly detect a relative position of the cursor to a dimension being created and choose if it should be parallel or oblique.
This sound like a smart solution, but in practice is SUCKS.
Take a look at this small GIF.
1. The dimension between two objects is live, and responds to the object being moved up and down fine
2. But if I choose to move it to the right, it says 'hey, I am a dimension between two points, I’m switching to be slanted'
3. OK, I delete it and try to create anew. STRUGGLING, because the space is tight, and if I move the mouse too much, it thinks I try to create a horizontal one. Finally I am able to catch the sweet (sour) spot, and caaaarefully move it back holding my breath.
4. Now it’s an orthogonal (aligned) dimension and I can realign my object back or move without a risk of loosing the status.
But we can’t covert 'manual' dimensions into 'aligned' one!
We can’t hold Shift to FORCE it to be aligned!