Put Apply to Selected button into Dimension Tool Options dialog
At the moment we can edit existing selected dimensions using Control or Properties panel (except for Scale!)
But if one chooses to open Dimension Tool Options dialog, all the settings won’t be applied to a selection, these would alter only dimensions created AFTER.
I’d like to have another button here, to allow me to apply chosen settings to what I have selected already, or perhaps even to All, similar to the Properties-only quick action button (this and others there should also be available via Object > Dimension menu the team 'forgot' to add: http://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/333657/suggestions/49010378)
And so you know — there ARE tool dialogs that work like this.
Blend Options would change a selection (that’s why it should be a panel: http://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/333657/suggestions/31988758), Gradient tool too (and it IS only a panel, with no REAL tool options, which is another overkill)...
Some consistency and common sense, please.