Treat groups as a result of Unite and not Intersect when using as a clipping mask
If we put a group on top of some art, select them together and create a clipping mask from this top group and the art below, usually we won’t see anything, as if it does not work.
We expect Illustrator to treat the group as a result of Unite operation, but actually it is Intersected instead. This is hardly useful. and if we wanted to use an intersection of parts, we’d clip with a compound intersecting shape probably.
Please give us a way a to choose the default treatment for a group used as a clipping mask. I assume it should be an object-level preference, controlled in Attributes panel, to keep it compatible with existing cases.

Affinity Designer treats groups as united containers when used for clipping, BTW, matching the expectations.
Ai does not treat a group as a united path, instead it treats it like the intersection of all its parts.
Take a look at the GIF attached. Once we have only two squares intersect, Ai uses this intersection as a clipping results.
But when you have three, only the spot where all three intersect will be used, and it’s not the case usually.So it’s not a bug, but a feature request, requiring to change the established paradigm, as an option, so the existing workflows don’t break.
I agree with you though, and I’d prefer the 'unite' mode more than 'intersect'. -
G023G1056オカバヤシ 正人 commented