Add ability to hyperlink text (properly this time)
In June of 2023 the Illustrator team fixed a old bug with hyperlinks added through Attributes panel being dropped while exporting as PDF.
The team thought of it as a solution to this request: — and marked it as such.
I do not agree.
The solution is nowhere final, done in the most basic way possible, merely a bug fixed, like if no-one in the team did try to make it useful at the level of today's standards.
— A partial text selection can't be made into a hyperlink.
— No widgets are given on the canvas to see if an object has a hyperlink assigned or not, and to open the link directly from the canvas (with or without a modifier).
— Attributes gives no way to jump to a previous/next hyperlink in the document.
— The 'browser' button uses the IE browser, not the assigned one at the OS level.
— If I cover an object which has a hyperlink assigned, with another object that has another hyperlink, the area they shared together is overtaken by the one which is below, and not according to their z-order.
— 'Polygon' image map option does not work, the object gets a rectangle area still. The sacred knowledge about creating polygonal image maps in Ai is long lost, and the only mention the official manual has about it is here ( — but it never actually tells how to create these. Surely not via rectangular-only slices. It should just happen automatically, and it does not.
— What about automation? To have the links to be auto-tagged, like this solution for InD does (
— What about auto styling, like InD provides?
— Will we be able to fine tune the look of the Character’s 'Underline' option? Nobody places lines this close to text anymore on web.
So yes, this should be made BETTER.

Choolee commented
While it's nice someone finally paid attention to this hyperlink issue, (after years and years of users begging for it), it's definitely not an elegant solution. Please bring it up to today's standards! Let us hyperlink like normal modern people. 🙏🏾
Luke Luke commented
thank you for text thank you you
or <a
/html/body/wp-loading/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]/article/div[1]/div/div/p[2]/ahref=>Example</a> -
Luke Luke commented
To be able to embed text for example for this: for text thank you
<a href="">thank you</a>
or <a href=>Example</a>