Always call guides as 'guides'
Open Layers and Control panels.
Enable rulers and drag a guide from one.
Take a look at how the selected guide is called:
— <Guide> in Layers
— Path in Control
Now create a rectangle and a line, and also draw a path with the Pencil.
Convert all three to guides with View > Guides > Make Guides (Cmd/Ctrl + 5).
Compare the names:
— <Rectangle> and <Line> but <Guide> in Layers
— Rectangle and Line but Path in Control
Sure, these first two are technically live shapes (and have dedicated controls in Control)... but also are guides. Why Ai is inconsistent with it? Why aren’t some guides thus named as 'guides'?
I can’t say a guide dragged from the ruler is NOT a path, it is, and it has its length limited to the canvas, and can be dragged sideways or converted into a simple path, or a live line (that’s why this request about making guides to behave more like in InDesign exists:
But again, why are these called guides (while being paths), but manually converted paths change their names in Layers only when aren’t live shapes?
Thanks to Enisio for the notification.