Shortcut with Cmd to select a tool
Shortcuts with Cmd keys
Please please make it possible to use the Cmd key to make shortcut to select a tool. This is crucial for working quick and efficiently. I know about the V and the A for choosing Selection and Direct Selection Tool, but when you are working with text, you cannot use these. Then you have to go the long way up to the tools panel to choose these. This make you work really slow.
In Indesign it is easy to make this shortcut. In Photoshop and Illustrator it is prohibited. Please make this small adjustment to Illustrator to change the world!

It’d be hard to do, I bet... but simple at the same time :)
I understand the problem! I often need to grab an Eyedropper when editing text, and 'I' is obviously can’t be used, I have to click the tool... I wrote a small script to pick the tool and bound it to Alt+I with an external app, to be able to call it — not the most graceful solution. If you want Ai to allow this hotkey natively, please upvote this request:
But back to this one... Cmd/Ctrl is hardcoded to ALWAYS temporarily toggle the current tool to a Selection tool, even when working with text. And adding the Backquote key (the one with ` and ~ on it, if you are using US or similar layout) will toggle this tool mode between Selection and Direct Selection. Once you release Cmd/Ctrl — the tool falls back to the one you have used previously.
So you CAN use all selection tools while working with text (I must add the adding Opt/Alt for Direct Selection one makes it into the Group Selection also).
Anyway, Cmd/Ctrl+V and Cmd/Ctrl+A are used for Paste and Select All. Almost all of the Cmd/Ctrl keys are already in use! :)