Make Enclosed Selection Mode a permanent option
Illustrator now allows to use Enclosed Mode to select objects within the marquee (originally requested here:, but the only way to do it is tap E key.
I agree that this basic feature is essential, but I don't agree that any modifier keys or specific dragging directions (like requested here: should be required. Shift-drag is already used to add to the selection, so that won't work.
Opt/Alt toggles duplication, and both can be toggled mid-drag (unlike in Photoshop).
This should be a selectable selection mode (also with a hotkey), and in fact there should be a way to set it as the default option.

Oscar Goldman commented
I can't believe we're still even debating this. It took what, a decade to even get a response on it... and then Adobe implemented an embarrassing whiff.
Truly pathetic. Meanwhile, other software has handled this easily (and by default) for DECADES.
Adobe's disregard and insulting failure on this feature alone proves that ithe excuses they gave for their rental scam were lies. But of course we knew that beforehand.