Envelope Mesh needs corner points option
Envelope Mesh needs to have points that can be converted to corner points. It only has Bézier curve points which make it impossible to get perfect straight angles. Like the pen tool has. I have struggled with this for years.
Won’t work like you imagine.
No handle for a mesh means zero length handle.
And zero length is no longer 1/3 of the mesh cell and it means the distortion won’t be uniform — just like the square on the left shows.But I totally agree with the idea of such a node type (these are not points). It should just automatically make the handle aligned with the edge of the mesh cell and adjust the length of it automatically if the point is repositioned.
I hardly doubt anyone in the team knows or remembers about this technology, to be fair...The only viable option we can count on today is the MeshTormentor free and amazing plugin panel.
It allows to achieve the thing you need, but with several operations instead of just one — but simple enough.
The panel allows to zero the lengths for the selected mesh nodes and set them on thirds automatically — take a look at the GIF attached. I can’t recommend this panel enough.