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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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112 results found

  1. Adobe Libraries — Point/Direct to the ACTUAL original file to edit

    The more I use libraries, the more I like it! However, instead of creating a "virtual" library of duplicated files, maybe store/use the ACTUAL original file so as to reduce loads of duplicated files, confusion as to the "latest" version(s) created and a crazy file naming system.

    Right now this is what it does:
    Actual Original File:
    Clicking on "Edit Original" in any Adobe program:

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  2. File transfer time via CC too long !!

    The process to synchronize files on the Creative Cloud is not practical for small bandwidths.

    It is painful to sometimes wait several hours for file synchronization on the CC

    I would like to choose among several files the one that I would like to synchronize in priority.

    Transfert de fichiers via CC trop long !!

    Le processus pour syncroniser les fichiers sur le Créative cloud n'est pas pratique pour les petites bandes passantes.

    C'est pénible d'attendre parfois plusieurs heures les synchronisations des fichier sur le CC

    J'aimerai choisir parmi plusieurs fichiers celui que je voudrais synchroniser en priorité.

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  3. Disable scale stroke on placed CC files

    We would like to have the option to disable the scaling of stroke in placed (linked) CC library files. Ie. if we scale the placed file 200% the stroke of the object in the file stays at 1pt instead of increasing to 2pt.

    We have a CC library with a large component library with various electronic and mechanical components. These components should always look exactly the same, but sometimes they need to be scaled. When they are scaled they need to keep the original stroke weight in order to look the same as the other placed components. Since there is…

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  4. Syncable Color Swatch/Palette Library

    it would be nice to have one library with different categories.. you update it once and see it in every illustrator file!
    this would be very useful for personal use but also in teams, somewhat like a kuler for illustrator.

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  5. You can improve by making it possible to move many files at once form CCLibrary to CCFiles folder. (Now 1 by 1).

    Please make it possible to move all files at once from the Creative Cloud Libraries to the Creative Cloud Files folder. I have made lots of great patterns today with Adobe Capture, when you save them you'll find them in your Library but then I wanted to copy them so I also can work with the files offline (from the CCF folder I can export them to my external HDD) with PS and/or Ai. Now I have found out you must copy them one by one...Only made 45 patterns today...and over time I might create thousands....but not if I have…

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  6. uninstall

    how about making uninstalling this app normal like the rest of the software builders? You guys made a 5 minutes uninstall a ******** 2 hour task for me forcing to update creative cloud, creating an account so I can login to remove illustrator. I remember this next time I decide to download an adobe software.

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  7. Allow custom color profiles to be saved to the CC libraries

    Creating CutContour swatch and Color Process colors (because Pantone+ colors are not available) lose their values once saved to CC libraries.

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  8. Can add a button to swatches menu to easy import from

    Can add a button to swatch to easy import from, something like importing font from TK

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  9. CC Library Items give wrong preview when dragged to artboard.

    Objects dragged from a CC library as linked give sometimes a wrong preview.
    Switching to CPU preview or dragging an embedded copy can solve it .
    See forum message:

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  10. I usually use graphics from Libraries and Symbols to sharing icons, logotypes, and e.t.c. I would like to lock size ratio to these graphics.

    I usually use graphics from Libraries and Symbols to sharing icons, logotypes, and e.t.c. I would like to lock size ratio to these graphics. I hate warped logos and rectangle icons instead of square!

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  11. libCC remain path aspect vs PDF like

    When incorporating an object from a library, (but the same behavior occurs if the file is placed) the Object lose all the appeareance and is imported as expanded wth some "clipping path added"

    however, the Appearance information is still in the file because if you ask to edit the original all is fine.

    Could it be possible to add a preference in the "embed" menu to ask if you embed as "Pdf" or as "AICB" the same dialog you can have in Saving Clipboard Prefs ?

    This could be really valuable.


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    Need More Info  ·  Yogesh Sharma responded

    Hi Jean-Michel,

    Press the Option key while dropping graphics from CC Library to artboard in Illustrator to bring the ‘original’ AI content. This will directly embed the graphic. Without the Option key it places the graphic, and all AI files get placed as PDF, hence the issues.

    Does the Option key work for you?


  12. Allow creative cloud files to be opened 2 times at once like you can with computer files

    I commonly open 2 different copies of the same file so I can see how changes I make while zoomed in will effect the artwork zoomed out without having to zoom in and out over and over again, but for some reason you can't do this with cloud files, and that is why I never end up using them. If they just added the ability to open the cloud files like you can with files on your actual computer I would be much more likely to actually use cloud files more consistently

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