Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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58 results found
Allow to hold Opt/Alt while using Lasso tool to toggle freeform / polygonal modes, like in Photoshop
Make lasso tool like Photoshop so you can use the Option click with more detail.
2 votes -
Increase selection tolerance
The selection tolerance maximum is 8px. My laptop has a 4k screen making 8px less than 1/64 of an inch. It's almost impossible for me to select lines in Illustrator with this small of a tolerance.
2 votes -
Add Match Rotation to Global Edit Options
Global Edit has several options to narrow down the duplicates search.
These include matching appearance and size.
However, there is no way to make the tool to exclude objects that have a different rotation than the source object has.Please add this option to the Global Edit Options dropdown and make it disabled by default.
2 votes -
Keyboard shortcut to select next anchor point along path (incl shift+ to select more than one)
Implement keyboard shortcuts to select the next anchor point along a path. So if I have selected one anchor point, I can hit that shortcut, and I will have moved to the next anchor point along the path.
Also include the option to shift+{shortcut} to select more than one anchor point.
2 votes -
The "Select Same" function including points as a choice
As of now, the Select menu includes "Same" and "Object". With a point not being an object, it would be under the "Same" submenu where it only has the option of selecting shapes and/or texts under certain conditions.
If in need to select multiple points, we could use the Direct Selection tool to select each of the points, but similar to shapes and texts, it would be helpful to have a one-click solution to select the points.
Some conditions to include (similar to "Select >> Same >> Fill Color") could be:
- the points having to be on a certain…2 votes -
Allow other units of measurement for “Tolerance” and “Snap to Point” settings (Selection & Anchor Display)
For the “Tolerance” and “Snap to Point” settings in “Illustrator > Settings… > Selection & Anchor Display… > Selection,” it would be very helpful if other units of measurement, with a specific request for millimeters (mm), could be specified. Currently, the only option is a integer “px” (pixel) value, which is not precise enough for some of the high-precision work that our teams perform.
1 vote -
Simplifying Object Size Adjustments
Please make it easier (again) to change the size of objects. I'm not sure whether it's a bug in the new version or a new "feature," but it would be much easier if I could just click on an object and then click and pull on the edge to change its height or width.
I mean, yes, it's possible to use the direct selection tool and select the corners to change it, but as soon as this object (for example, a square) is slightly rotated, it's hard to keep the object straight while changing its "height" (it's not really the…
0 votes -
An ability to select objects only within the marquee, as in CorelDRAW
Is it possible to select items in a way similar to CorelDRAW, where only those within the selection box are selected, and those that touch the selection box but are not enclosed by it are not selected, even if they touch the box? I hope there can be an additional selection option for this.
0 votesRecent versions of Illustrator now offer the Enclosed mode we can toggle while using the selection marquee.
It was requested here originally, and is still quite raw, but can help in some cases. Please follow the comment thread there for more solutions.
Regarding the selection of E-mode
When using the group selection tool to select objects within a group, pressing "E" can select the objects, but in the "selection tool" state, pressing "ctrl+alt" switches to the "group selection tool", and pressing "E" cannot select objects within the group.
As shown in the video:1 vote -
Illustrator takes 2 second to select objets when clicked then ...
Illustrator takes 2 second to select objets when clicked then moves it like you were pressing the click to move objects
1 vote -
An optional feature in which the Similar Selection tool only works in a pre defined space on the canvas
For example:
I have two copy's of the same layout in one canvas, but i only want to change similar objects in one of them.
I would love to be able to draw a box around one of the 2 layouts and only in the select area the similar selction tool should select the similar objects.That would be an amazing feature! for me atleast :D
1 vote -
Xray mode in Adobe Illustrator
There should be an Xray mode in Adobe Illustrator similar to what we have in Blender 3D.
When toggled on from a keyboard shortcut, this should allow the user to temporarily view all the objects (Paths, including appearances) to be slightly transparent and allow the user to select objects that are behind each other or at the bottom of the stacking order.
The outline view is good but not enough. I still can't select paths behind each other and don't show appearances so can't actually see what I'm selecting if artwork has similar shapes stacking there.
Thanks Adobe!
Best Regards:…
1 vote -
Stroke and fill swap on new object selected
When selecting a new object not having the stroke or fill swap and stay on what was last selected.
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1 vote -
Make the option 'Select and unlock objects on canvas' available for default!!
I love when this option was available in some version of Illustrator but magically disappear in one update, I thought that you discard this option, but if I wasn't here I never realize that I have to enable manually this option on the Preferences panel.
I was angry because it was available on InDesign but not in Illustrator, fortunately I research a little and found the response to one request like mine in this section.
1 vote -
Select objects underneath
Sometimes there are duplicate objects below your most top object. There should be a command or feature that lets you see/ select duplicate geometries right below your top shapes.
This is most evident on shapes with the same dimension.1 vote -
Muovi oggetti bloccati o nascosti quando sposti le tavole da disegno
Sarebbe utile avere la funzione (selezionabile nelle preferenze) sposta oggetti nascosti o bloccati quando si spostano/ordinano le tavole da disegno.
ogni volta mi perdo un pezzo! capita anche a voi?1 vote -
1 vote
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