Art brushes different weight value
Well, this is complex one.
As you know, a lot of people live in metric world.
It means they use 'cm-mm' instead of 'inches-points'.
I, for example, have all three major units set to millimeters — general, stroke and type.
But each time I apply brush to anything, it gets weight '0,353 mm'.
Yes, it is 1 point. And every time I need to scale my brush twice as normal, I have to type in '*2' in the end of 'Weight' field instead of just typing 2.
Worse, when I don't remember what weight it has now, but need to change it, knowing it. I have to switch to points for stroke or calculate it somewhere.
Even if I used inches — in fact, you can have fat-wide brush by itself, 10, 53, 0.64 inches or anything, and AI will show it as '1pt', when it's obviously NOT.
Because it's '1x'.
It is relative size, not absolute.
One time as wide as original.
So why won't you change the way this value is shown in Stroke palette?
Let the weight of brushes be measured in relative units across all unit's setting.
Make it an option, please.