Please give us better Transparency tool like in CorelDraw and Affinity Designer
I'm fighting between working in Affinity Designer and Illustrator, AD has much better drawing tools, it's faster than Ai, but I love the familiarity of Ai. If you can give us better Gradient and Transparency tools like in AD that would be amazing! It would help speed up the coloring process when making more realistic artwork. See Screen shot from AD.

Lance commented
This is what an opacity mask is for.
Select your placed image and in the transparency pallet make a mask.
Double-click the black square to enter the opacity mask and then paint/draw/etc over your image with varying shades of gray to either hide or reveal parts of the image.See screenshot attached.
Risal commented
Add transparency tools like in Affinity Designer and Corel. It will make us easier to play with photos.