Define the Start and Stop of a Variable Width Profile on a closed path
When using a Variable Width Profile on a closed path the starting and end points are arbitrarily chosen. It would be nice to have an additional option to move the starting point around a path and not necessarily on a anchor point, instead of being forced to cut the path to reset the start.

There are three ways I know to do it.
1. Cut and join, but you know that. But it can’t be really automated with native actions, because Illustrator does not have an actionable Cut Selected Anchors command, only the button in a panel you have to click, or even more manual Scissors.
2. A script by Umezawa, from now closed site
Here is the more or less permanent link to the copy I have:
If placed in the Scripts folder, it can be recorded as an action.3. A commercial plugin, PathScribe, which have this command one can put into an action too.
All three solutions assumes a variable width stroke starts at a point... But you want it to be a sliding thing, just like we can do with the Type on Path, right, both ends?
(Edited by admin)