Hint all Preferences options, even without (i) icon
Some options in Preferences are mystery for new users, but the team believe only some (just 3!) should have a dedicated (i) icon to display a hover hint.
ALL options should have a hover hint.
How on Earth a user can guess what 'Show/Hide Rulers' does? It feels like it is the same as View > Rulers > Show / Hide Rulers, but no, it’s not! You have to search for it! (just rename this one already)
Or what about enigmatic 'Enable Content Aware Defaults'? What are these? OK, pros know, Puppet Warp, Lorem Ipsum, Freeform Gradient control points. But why doesn’t Ai tell this contextually, right here and now?
'Use Precise Cursors' — what is that? What, they are usually imprecise? No, it''s just crosshair (and it can be toggle with Caps Lock) — how about telling this?

A very much related request:
Make USEFUL hover hints for ALL the options, fields, menu commands
http://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/333657/suggestions/49351673 -
Leon Sokoletski commented
That sounds reasonable and timely to me. Aye!