Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
14 results found
Illustrator changing color values every time I reopen program v 26.0.2
I'm on a brand new MacBook Pro and I'm using illustrator from the cloud version 26.0.2 on Mac Monterey v 12.1. Every time I close out a file and reopen it the hex colors are changed. I have never touched the setting on my colors. I've attached an example below. You can see that when I was previously working in the file I listed the hex code, but now when I open it it is different. Please help. This is making my branding impossible and I'm turning in projects incorrectly as a result.
2 votes -
Recolor artwork with patterns doesn't work
Using Mac OS Ventura 13.3
Adobe Illustrator 29.2.1As described, I am able to access the recolor artwork panel but when I click OK it doesn't do anything. Video below. It used to work.
1 voteThis behavior can be controlled with the Preserve Black option inside of the Color Reduction Options dialog, hidden under a small button at the top of the Recolor dialog
Files have a swatch that cannot be deleted
Please help me understand why this swatch cannot be deleted. In this case it is a Pantone swatch, but in other files it's just a global color. I have deleted all objects and links in this file to be sure it's not connected to some hidden element.
Thank you for looking. It is becoming an issue in file cleanup for clients. They all have this one odd, unremovable swatch from another project.
1 voteAs it turns out the swatch was in use by the plugin.
If the same happens to you — try to check all the symbols, graphics styles, anything like this in the document that might use the swatch.
Recolour tool does not load custom colour palettes (AI 27.3)
I have restarted my machine already multiple times, but when I try to use the recolour tool, the added colour palettes I created do not load on the right hand side
1 voteThis happens because the swatches from the local library should panel should be added in the document’s Swatches panel for the Recolor to use it.
CMYK Files Colors are Displaying as RGB in Illustrator 2022 Version 26.0.1
(Illustrator 2022) Open a new CMYK file, create a box, color Breakdown "87-75-0-0 "select the same CMYK color Breakdown "87-75-0-0 " (In Color Picker) that is clearly showing a darker color then what is behind the open select box.
Screen Shot 2
Open a new CMYK file in Illustrator (2021). Same process as above, now CMYK colors appear correct.1 voteIf this happens for you, make sure you have the same color settings setup in both versions (Edit > Color Settings).
Will not change stroke color
I am trying to trace an object on illustrator but it will not let me change the color of the stroke, it will not even bring up the color swatches in the normal stroke panel for me to click on. I have tried resetting essentials classic, resetting preferences, and changing the view.
1 voteThere is nothing wrong with the file, as I can tell...
The Swatches panel is empty indeed, the only swatch in it is the sport RGB white. Perhaps somebody deleted them to save some file size?
If you want to have default swatches though, you can load them back.
Open Swatches panel, click the 'bookshelf' 'Swatch Libraries menu' button, locate 'Default Swatches' and choose 'Web'. Now you can select a swatch you need directly from the opened panel, or drag-n-drop a selection of swatches you need into the main Swatches panel.
Please comment back.
Eyedrop multiple fills
Please allow there to be an option on the eyedropper tool to select multiple fills on appearances to apply to another object. Example; with pattern design, we create a top transparent pattern than a second fill with a solid color to create the final pattern. We would like to be able to easily apply those two fills to another object
1 voteYou can open Eyedropper tool’s options (double-click tool icon or hit Enter while the tool is active) and check both Appearance ticks to force it to pick and apply all appearance items, including multiple fills.
Gradient colour not following path of curved line
When I go to colour the gradient after applying it to a thicker curved line a new shape is made and takes the colour and gradient that I chose. This shape appears to be connected by the same anchors as the curve but is just a straight line.
1 vote -
Select same fill color does not take into account tints
When I select "same fill color" or "same appearance" it selects all items using that particular pantone regardless of whether I am using that pantone at 100% or a tint (ex 40%, 50%, 60%).
1 voteAs per the comment, Illustrator can be made into respecting tints with the 'Select Same Tint %' in Preferences > General
Fill & Stroke colors & gradients selective but only previous fill visible on object
Latest Windows PC Version 10 64-bit. Adobe 2020 (24.0.2).
Everything was normal until I began drawing a regular 5-point star with green fill & black stroke (fill color doesn't really matter). Layer shows correct colors of star in layers panel but the layer folder and what's visible on screen show no change in red fill result (which was set previously). In other words, choosing different fill colors made no difference. However, stroke color can be changed. Tried other shapes with same results. (Even restarted Illustrator.)
Putting another shape on top of a previous shape caused the stroke of 2nd shape…1 voteThis happens because the top layer has a custom appearance applied to it.
To undo that, you’d have to target the layer again, open the Appearance panel, and click the 'Clear Appearance' button.
You can read more about Appearance and Selection markers in Layers panel here:
No search bar in Pantone swatch color books
When I go to search for Pantone colors, or and other colors, there is no search bar at the top of the swatch tool window
1 voteYou can have this field shown with Show Find Field option in a panel flyout menu. This works for Swatches and Pantone libraries and any other swatches library.
No swatches showing for any panels
When I open up a file using the open with option inside of Windows explorer, my swatches are always empty no matter what panel I'm using. Colors panel, etc. The only way it doesn't seem to have this bug is if I'm inside of Adobe Illustrator and I open a file from inside of the program. This is very inconvenient.
1 voteThis is working as expected. You have opened a png file and since a png file will not have Illustrator swatches it does not show up.
If you create a new Illustrator file will then see Illustrator swatches. Once you have created a new Illustrator file you can place the png file inside it. -
White #777777 Being grey ?
White #777777 being grey ?? capture here :
color mode RVB1 votePlease use FFFFFF for white
Pattern Swatches Shift when Copied & Pasted
Copying and pasting a pattern filled object or text, especially when pasting into a new document, should not shift the pattern. This causes many issues when passing files to others.
0 votesGenerally this behavior is controlled by the option, Preferences > General > Transform Pattern Tiles.
However the positioning of a pattern inside of an object is controlled by the origin point of a specific document, the 0,0 position on rulers, which may differ in different documents. Ai recalculates local coordinates on paste, preserving the look of the pattern, but if you change the origin later, the pattern will shift.
Please comment back if toggling this option does not work for you.
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