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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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374 results found

  1. Bug of saving in the background of Illustrator 2020

    If you save a document that uses a 2-byte spot color name in ai format, place this file in InDesign, Illustrator, etc.
    It will be replaced by "Global color". And even if you export the PDF, it will be reflected. Turning off saving in the background can work around this, but this is an issue that should be resolved as soon as possible.

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    I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 24.1.1 for Win and 24.1 for Mac which is available worldwide now.

    Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!

  2. Global Process Colors get added twice when added from a CC library, lose their name and become Spot colors.

    Create a Global Process Color Swatch and add it to a CC library.
    In a new document, select this color in the library, right click and choose
    Add to Swatches.
    The color gets added 2 times, becomes a spot color and loses it’s name.
    Or, in a new document double click the color in the Library. It gets added only once, keeps it’s name but becomes a Spot color.

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    Hi Everyone,

    The fix has been rolled out and is available in our latest release build – 29.3.0 which is available worldwide now.

    Illustrator will now preserve Global colors newly added to CC Library from this release onwards.

    What’s new in 29.3:

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback.

  3. Non Functional Gradient stop bug in 'Color' panel

    When adjusting a colour stop its colour is visible in the 'Color' panel's 'Fill' field. You used to be able to cancel the stop colour by clicking on this 'Fill' field to go back to the gradient fill and to get the 'Stroke' colour back in sight.
    This is no longer the case. In spite of Illustrator flashing the tool tip 'Click to cancel' clicking does not work at all. The fill colour is stuck on the 'Colour Stop's colour.
    Now you can only see the 'Stroke' field in the 'Gradient' panel and the 'Tools' panel. This is a pain…

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    I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 23.0.6 which is available worldwide now.

    Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!

  4. Eyedropper doesn't work on groups

    When I select a group and I try to use the eyedropper tool, this seems to not work.
    In the fill box in the toolbar it appears as the colour already changed, but the group still looks with the original colour.
    If I ungroup the group, or if I unite the group with the pathfinder (plus cmd+8), then the eyedropper works regularly, but this is not the ideal way to work. I already contacted the support online, but the issue hasn't been sorted out properly.

    I use MacOS High Sierra — Version 10.13.6

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    Hi Everyone,

    The fix has been rolled out and is available in our latest release build – 29.3.0 which is available worldwide now.

    Now groups get the applied appearance positioned above the Contents in the Appearance panel.

    What’s new in 29.3:

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback.

  5. Tilde key to move a pattern within shape not working

    My Tilde/Graves accent key is no longer working to transform a pattern within an object. Normally, I can rotate or move around a pattern when I hold it down without moving the object. It hasn't worked since my last update.

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  6. White is now yellow

    All my colors with todays 10/16/18 update have shifted and have lost their embedded color file. (When opening previous work). My white swatch is yellow. But when placed in Indesign it is white as well well as the color makeup 0000. Hiw can i fix this?

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    We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.1
    Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ if you face difficulty in update.
    Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
    Adobe. Make It an Experience.

  7. 36 votes

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    I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 25.4.1 which is available worldwide now.

    Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!

  8. Gradient stays selected when trying to pick a solid colour

    After upgrading to v23, it's become very difficult to switch from having a gradient selected and to having a solid colour.

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    We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.2
    Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ if you face difficulty in update.
    Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
    Adobe. Make It an Experience.

  9. 32 votes

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    I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 26.0.0 which is available worldwide now.

    Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!

  10. Colour values change on their own! Very frustrating

    Colours keep slightly changing over time, even as I am designing live inside a file!

    I will enter an exact CMYK or RGB value to match our brands colours, then these values will change slightly all on their own.

    I've been monitoring this for about 2 months now hoping this issue would be resolved in an update... but it hasnt been!

    This is a massive issue! Colours have to be stable!

    We need to be able to trust the program with things that are vital for a brand, like their COLOURS!

    The attached image shows -
    Top: is the original…

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    This problem requires an investigation, but not enough data is gathered yet to even start it.

    Please provide these settings to help the team to deal with the problem:

    1. The version of illustrator. OS and GPU model

    2. Your color settings (a screenshot of the Color Settings dialog will do)

    3. A test file with swatches which gets changed

    4. A copy of this file when changes happen (if there is a difference in actual numbers swatches store)

    Also, please check if the behaviour differs when you disable GPU mode and note that.

    Send these to (please also provide the link to this report for tracking purposes — or share directly in the comments if you are allowed to share these files publicly.

    It looks like this case is configuration specific, so if you are potentially willing to participate in the investigation of this issue by a…

  11. 31 votes

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  12. Eyedropper picks wrong CMYK colors from image's RGB preview in CMYK document

    I observe that AI's eyedropper picks color not directly from a raster image, but from it's preview, but I think it's terribly wrong, especially when you pick a color from a CMYK image placed inside of a CMYK document, and get some mutated color instead of ground truth.

    For example, I have a photo blended into a single colored background and I don't remember which one exactly. I pick this color with the eyedropper inside AI to match the image’s edge with the vector background ...and it almost looks OK, but when it's printed, the mismatch is quite visible.


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  13. Using Color Mixer in Control panel for stroke changes the color of the fill instead

    I encountered this problem as seen in the GIF.
    Selecting a stroke or fill from the control bar menu changes the active appearance. When using sliders, it doesn't. i have tested on different Windows 11 machines and different documents. Replicated the issue every time.
    AI 29.0.1

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  14. Color palette overrides fill colors and color modes in Illustrator 2018

    Hi, I am a design professor and most students in my class experienced a specific problem when we were doing an exercise to learn how to apply the correct color palettes to different logo files. Specifically, we created fictional identity designs as a means to learn how to create a production-ready bundle of files (a logo with versions in b&w, spot color (Pantone), 4-color process, and RGB). Almost 100% of my 18 students had their 4-color process file -- which was filled with CMYK colors upon designing, and should have stayed CMYK -- show up as being filled with RGB…

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  15. 色違いで作ったパターンがコピペされない

    MacOS Catalina 10.15.7 Illustrator 2021(25.3.1)




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    ご報告いただいた「ver.25.3.1 でパターンスウォッチのコピー&ペーストで予期しない結果になる」問題を修正した、Illustrator 2021(ver.25.4.1)を一般リリースいたしました。

    Creative Cloud デスクトップアプリケーションから、製品版のアップデートが可能となっておりますので、動作をお確かめください。



    Illustrator チーム

  16. Illustrator wont show correct color of png imported

    Since I have updated to the newest version I can't seem to upload pngs into Illustrator. They show as if they are negative. I run on a MacBook Pro Mac OS Mojave Version 10.14.1. Illustrator 23.0.1

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    I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 25.3.1 which is available worldwide now.

    Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!

  17. Gradient angle got reset to zero, when using Color Picker

    1. Create path
    2. Apply gradient
    3. Change gradient angle
    4. Select gradient stop
    5. Double-click Fill in toolbox to open Color picker
    6. Choose any OTHER color
    7. Hit OK

    Angle got reset to 0 (almost always)
    See attached file

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    We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 24.0.2 on Win and 24.0.3 on MAC.

    Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ if you face difficulty in update.
    Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –

    Thanks & Regards
    Ankit Goyal

  18. Delete Color Group in Swatches ungroups group instead deleting

    When I need to completely delete color group, I select it and press Delete palette's button (or try palette's menu). Any way. AI moves all colors from it to general colors, removing only the folder, but not colors, asking nothing (even with warnings reset).
    I have to deselect my art, click first of moved colors, Shift+click the last one and delete swathes again.

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  19. Color discripancy between "View on CPU" and "View on GPU" on a Mac with M1 chip

    I'm now running AI on a macbook pro with M1 chip.
    I noticed that when I switching "View on CPU" to "GPU", all colors became whiter and inaccurate (images inserted in AI became much whiter than the objects created and colored in AI).
    I've checked my older Macbook pro with intel CPU and AMD graphic card, the colors keep the same and accurate when I switch from CPU to GPU.

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  20. Pattern Tile Seam lines

    Can we please find a way to fix those tiny 0.5 px seam lines we ALL have had to deal with for years? The ones that you see when you zoom in or out at certain levels? The ones that don't apparently print? However, they for sure show up when importing patterns into Photoshop, so they aren't just imaginary. When building a Photoshop pattern that begins as a vector pattern, it becomes a nightmare having to meticulously clone them out. Please fix this if at all possible!

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