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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
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24 results found

  1. SVGs: Objects with dashed lines are split up


    I create an object (rectangle) in the AI with a dashed line (8px / 8px). Contour 2px and grey filling.
    If I save this object as *.svg and then open the saved SVG again, the path of the rectangle is fragmented.
    This denomination always occurs just before the corners. In other words, a rectangle is divided into 4 paths and becomes a group...

    Version: AI 23.1
    Windows 10 Enterprise
    Intel Core i7-6820IQ 2.70 Ghz
    16 GB RAM

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    Sorry for a late answer. Basically it happens because of 'Align dashes to corners' option that is turned on for the object in Stroke panel. When it's on, Illustrator internally treats this stoke exactly like you have in the SVG — a group of normal dashed lines with recalculated gaps and dashes, and custom inserts where it's required.

    SVG just can't handles this, so to preserve the look it applies this treatment, converting it from the 'live' to 'expanded'.

    Try to disable the option and comment back if it helps.

  2. Using the newest version of Illustrator won't let me use new files for older illustrator versions (ex: illustrator at school)

    Opening Illustrator files created last night on the newer version on my home computer won't load at school on an older version of Illustrator. The files are completely missing artwork. You can see all the components on the recently opened page, but when you open the file. The artwork doesn't load.

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    Hi Deborah,
    We have bumped up the file format in AI 2020 so any file created in AI 2020 is not compatible in older versions. Please do a save as Illustrator CC version before sharing the file.
    The older release should also be warning users that the file was created in a new version and will have some data loss.

    Best regards,

  3. missing id in exported svg

    When I export the attached .ai file to svg, the result does not contain the id of the r14 rectangle.
    Before you say "well just add it in manually", please consider that this is a simplified version and that the real thing would contain dozens, even hundreds of objects.
    Note that I am not using the artboard. The idea is to use this svg to be animated by the GreenSock javascript library.

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    Thanks a lot Francis for filing the issue. Please feel free to open a new issue if you should experience the issue again or another one.


  4. "Preview in Browser" resets to Safari

    "Preview in Browser" option in save for web window is resets to Safari everyday(After restart). Several times I tried selecting Google Chrome and set as default in browser menu, but chrome is getting removed from the browser menu automatically after I restart the Illustrator.

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    Please contact Apple support. macOS controls the default browser setting. You can validate the default browser by double clicking any html file on your system.

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