Please make a brush stroke a path instead of a fill. So you don’t have to adjust the outlines from a line you just drawn.
Please make a brush stroke a path instead of a fill. So you don’t have to adjust the outlines from a line you just drawn. Or else this app shouldn’t be called illustrator. Thats the main thing of illustration using adobe illustrator. Apply a look to a line, and then be able to adjust the line instead of a fill which it now creates, not usable at all. It’s also useful for animation purposes to be able to use a path. And the pencil isn’t the same thing as a brush, you want to see the endresult of what you are making the moment you are making it. Hopefully this gets implemented, you would be missing out on a lot of illustrators I think.

Bob commented
@Egor Chistyakov a I see now.. wrong section.. -.-' pretty stupid of me!
@Bob, ahh, so you refereeing to the iPad version! You should have clarified it right from the start.
Then I agree. -
Bob commented
@Egor Chistyakov In illustrator if i use the brush tool, and draw a line, it remains a line(a single adjustable path). In the ipad illustrator app, if i use the brush tool it automatically turns in to a fill, the path is being replaced with outlines of the path, which makes it hard to adjust a single stroke as a stroke. And for animation purposes i need the basic path of a brush strokes: the vector points of the stroke instead of the vector points from the outlines of the brushstroke. A brush stroke should remain a path instead of a fill.
Basically on illustrator (very usable);
draw stroke with brush tool--> able to adjust the path of the brushstrokeBasically on Illustrator app on ipad(not useable for me):
draw stroke with brush tool --> unable to adjust the path, only the outlines of the stroke.
See attached images for the difference in the adjustability from a brush stroke after it has been drawn illustrator on mac versus illustrator on ipad. To be clear both lines are drawn with the paintbrush tool not the pencil tool.
I hope it's better explained now. Dutch is my main language..
Bob, sorry, I don’t think I get it. Can you... illustrate the difference? Pun intended, but I really don’t understand what are you trying to say.