Change between color modes RGB/CMYB even after file is created

Cynthia commented
I really wish this was resolved.
Jason Sanderson commented
Currently having this issue also, can’t change after the file is created.
Nedde commented
It MUST be possible to switch from RGB to CMYK not only BEFORE drawing.
Ghosty commented
I am trying to figure this out as well!! Did you ever find out how?
Lukas Engqvist commented
You can, just change document colour modet to RGB.
Edit > Document Colour Mode > RGBOops sory saw it's iPad have no idea there
Guillermo commented
I need to export a flyer design to a print site, but it needs to be in CMYK colors, not just RGB.
Brad commented
Please add the ability to switch a document’s color mode. For example: I have a logo that is CMYK and I need to get it ready for a the web. It would be nice to change its color mode from CMYK to RGB.