Disappointed with Ai performance with simple graphics
Illustrator was the first software I learned. 1988-1992. Version 4.0? My Mac-daddy Mac Quadra had a 500mb HD and some blazing 128 MB RAM. Illustrator worked well. Cant you dust it off tweak some tools to run well on iPad Pro… Better to run well than frustrate; iPad chipset will catch up. Run the beautiful basics add more as you can. Very disappointed with Ai performance with simple graphics attached waiting to process moves, Mobile Bundle? Not even going to try photoshop. Cancelling in a month. Love to Adobe. Peace

John, do you mean the iPad version struggles with this exact piece of graphics you attached? What are trying to do with it exactly to make the app response slowly? Can you share this file for the team to investigate?
Sorry, it’s hard to understand what is happening exactly at your side (except for the subscription cancelling). Which tools do you want to tweak? Please tell more — but without going sideways with stories of the beautiful old days, they never were that fast as we remember them :)