Make the blob brush feel like the desktop version of the blob brush.
The blob brush feels really sloppy on iPad. It should work exactly as it does on iPad. I experimented with all the different settings. Nothing made it feel or look anything like it does on desktop. This is the main thing keeping me from drawing on my iPad and instead still using clip studio. I like AI a lot more but the line work on my drawings are vital and the current form of the blob brush jus tisn’t it.

Chris commented
As a consumer and user of the software for more than half my life, you have to realize it makes complete sense that I would expect the “blob brush” in AI on iPad that works the same as the “blob brush” for AI on desktop, to work the same. Especially when the files can go back and forth between both versions. I could be working on desktop in the evening, transfer it to my iPad to work on during my train commute to work or on a weekend vacation trip or something, and back to my desktop again when home. And in this situation, I need the brush to behave the same. I need access to the same tools resulting in the same effect on both my platforms. My illustration take me weeks to finish. Sometimes 7 or 8 weeks. So I would like the ability to seamlessly work on both my machines in the software, that honestly is not cheap by any means.
As far as it looking even better on iPad compared to desktop, that’s a matter of perspective. Better or not. Consistency is more important.
You could also solve this issue by giving us the ability to install brushes in the iPad version -
Yep, I see what you mean. Thanks you so much for sharing these.
I think two things about this.
First — it feels like an error to assume these two tools with the same name should behave the same way on different hardware, made by different teams, only because they share the brand... They could have named it something like 'Shape Brush', to avoid expectation, and dilute the false sense of consistency, but I think they were sure it’s close enough or that it’s a better version even.
Second — I am very sorry about the situation with the workflow matching. I personally can’t do anything to help you with it :( except for upvoting this — which I did.
I will merge more requests about this if I find them and try to mention it if I have a chance. -
Chris commented
I assume it’s obvious which is desktop and which is iPad. On desktop, I’m working on a Cintiq 24HD. And my iPad is a Pro 12.9” (5th generation) with an Apple Pencil.
A few things.
On the iPad the line keeps awkwardly expanding in size the longer the line is. It doesn’t look or work at all like that on desktop. That’s the default blob brush. I have tried experimenting with several of the different blob brushes available on iPad. They all produce the basically the same result I am unhappy with. The one used int hat video is “basic round” which looks to be the closest to the default brush on desktop, yet on iPad, it basically comes to a point. On desktop when I give it those little wave type flow to the line, it has a nice flow to it. When i do that same exact motion on the iPad, it looks sloppy and really not at all what I’m going for. On desktop I can tweak that blob brush to make it taper more or less or not at all. When I try to do that same thing on iPad, same thing. Just does not work well or look right at all.I’ve been working in AI so long on my Wacom, my drawings have developed a style that fit perfectly with that brush on the desktop version. I just want it to look and work like that brush. I could keep just working on my Wacom, but that makes it really hard to get things done when not home, which in the last year, I’m home less and less. I am really hoping you have a solution for me or can make the blob brush work exactly or as close as possible to the one on desktop. Thank you.
Side note. Another issue i have been running into on iPad, is stroke consistency with the normal paint brush. I made a custom brush and it actually produces results much closer to the blob brush on desktop. However, i am having one big issue. The size of the brush stroke varies a lot. A real lot. I will also attach an image of just something random I drew as an example. Of the problem I am having with it. In this photo, I drew 7 lines. The first 2, then I zoomed in and rotated the canvas a bit. The next 5 lines are significantly thinner and smaller. I do not want this. I was applying the same pressure and using the same technique. Everything was the same. Just zoomed in a bit and drew a few lines. I find it happens a lot more, if hypothetically I draw one or more parallel lines, then I draw perpendicular cross hatch lines. If those cross hatch lines are touching or nearly touch the first line(s), the cross hatched ones are always much smaller and thinner. If I could get this brush to react consistently, I would be content using this over the blob brush. Would also appreciate help with resolving this issue. At least until the blob brush can hopefully be fixed. Thank you
Chris commented
Ok. I will make a screen recording us both blob brush on my iPad and on my desktop
Chris, consistency is a a hard thing to achieve in general, and it’s hard to discuss graphics with no graphics...
Can you please share a couple of recorded videos where you try same-ish settings for Blob Brush on iPad and Desktop, drawing same-looking paths, for the team to evaluate these and fell your actual experience?