USD exports can't be imported into Apple's AR tools
It's great to see the USD tools getting closer to release, and I can confirm that I can preview the USD files that Illustrator makes in macOS. However, because they're USD and not USDZ, I can't import them into any of Apple's Developer tools, and they throw errors when trying to import them into Reality Converter.

Iain Anderson commented
Files failed to attach with my last comment, or with this one. Sorry. Try these links?!AjJYzu8MFPpZga8Mm3JCVFXTwvYz0g?e=0kvqQA!AjJYzu8MFPpZga8NtUZgN7hpWDjjHg?e=W65UNY -
Iain Anderson commented
Here's a file showing a few issues I'm having with working with 3D materials in Illustrator.
There are further issues when I export to a USD object — it can't be imported into Reality Composer, nor into Reality Converter. When I move the USD inside the folder full of PNGs that was exported with it, the USD can be imported into Reality Converter, but none of the textures are applied, and there are four identically named materials (all MaterialMesh). Applying one of the PNGs to the Base Colour works, but only for the front side, and I can't change the others.
My baseline is that I want to be able to import assets directly into Reality Composer and other USDZ-reading tools. USDs don't directly import, and the current format can't easily be converted.
Akshay Varshney commented
Thanks for your feedback.
Can you please switch to latest beta bulid it has some more changes of USD, also please share usd and ai file with us we'll have a look at the import issue.