AppleScript Bugs Latest versions
The latest Illustrators have NEW bugs I have consistently experienced on multiple machines with mixed intel/m1/m2 Macs with the following:
1) Getting Name of Artboard no longer works
"tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
tell document 1
set artboardName to get name of artboard index 1
"tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
tell document 1
set artboardName to (name of artboard index 1)
2) Make Artboards MRAP Error when doing consecutively failing more often with a document containing more than one artboard. For example the following script always fails at the 6th repeat if one artboard and the 5th repeat if starting with 2 artboards......4th if starting with 3 artboards.......and so on.
"repeat with aNumber from 1 to 10
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
tell document 1
set allArtboards to (artboards)
set abRec1 to (artboard rectangle of artboard index aNumber)
set {leftBound, topBound, rightBound, bottomBound} to abRec1
set heightDim to topBound - bottomBound
set widthDim to rightBound - leftBound
set newTopBound to topBound - 36 - heightDim -- 36 is the vertical spacing between artboards
set newBottomBound to newTopBound - heightDim
set newArtboard to (make new artboard with properties {artboard rectangle:{leftBound, newTopBound, rightBound, newBottomBound}})
end tell
end tell
end repeat"