STEX error when using Beta Mockup Feature
When I apply new Mockup feature, it shows this: 'The operation cannot complete because of unknown error [STEX]'. I'm disappointed and would like to know how to fix it.

Marielle, It seems like you are trying to apply a linked file as a decal. So far Mockup does not allow to map images as a decal at all.
The team probably decided it’s better to not allow to call the command rather that give a warning message... Will notify them, thanks.Also — if you have a problem like this or anything else, please make it a separate post about it next time, not a comment into another report about something loosely related. This will help the team to better handle the feedback.
Marielle F commented
I have downloaded the Beta version of Adobe Illustrator. The mockup feature is "not active" and I can´t find out why... What can I do to fix this?
Akshay Varshney commented
We'll fix this problem soon in upcoming BETA release. Thanks for reporting this issue.
I was able to check the file, and unfortunately I was not able to get this error — it just works for me...
Let’s see if the team can find something. Thank you for sharing it.Another interesting thing is that you have to cut one letter, for it to be covered with hair... Because Mockup obviously won’t let to mask it after, right?
Erina Irizarry commented
Hello, thank you for getting back, I use OS 10.15.7 . And I've attached the file with issue.
Erina, can you share the test file which gives you an error like this, and also tell the details of your setup, please? OS, hardware, GPU, anything similar.
The team would need all this to try to reproduce the problem.