BUG - The Contextual Task Bar doesn't appear when you select an individual compound path or compound shape
I noticed that the new Contextual Task Bar doesn't show up when a single compound path or compound shape is selected. However, if you copy and paste that shape and select both copies, the Contextual Task Bar does show up. It also shows up if you take that single compound shape/path and group it - even though there's only that one single object in the group. This seems to be a flaw.

Yep, this is true.
This Contextual Task Bar is yet a first attempt to tackle it, and it does not get displayed for almost anything we actually need.
Thinking of it — what commands and buttons do you expect to see when you select a compound path and a compound shape? or any other object you want it to appear for?
Please tell, the team is greatly interested into hearing about it.