Collapsed panels won't open when clicked!
I keep some panels permanently expanded (eg. Character, Paragraph, Pathfinder/Align/Transform) with other ones like Transparency, Swatches etc. collapsed and tacked to the sides (see screenshot). When using 28.7.1, none of the collapsed panels will expand or respond to clicking any part of the panel. The only way I can expand them is to manually go into the Window drop down and click the name of the panel I need to expand.

Zac commented
Hi, just wondering if any progress was made with this issue?
Zac commented
No, all other tabs, pallets, panels, whatever you call them – everything else is responsive, no problems with any other panels whether free floating or docked to any part of the app’s window. Only the minimised tools which are docked to the RHS of free floating panels/pallets, they’re the ones which are unresponsive. I posted a screenshot with an example on previous comments. Thanks
Zac, I mean docked to the app’s window. Not sure how to explain it to a Mac user :D
Not only together, but into the frame as well. -
Zac commented
Egor - in my experience it’s only panels docked to the sides I can’t open (screenshot attached). Any free floating panels are fine, but the minimised panels docked to the sides are unresponsive.
Zac, Anker, does it happen with free-floating panels only?
Can you open panels that are docked to the sides? -
Anker commented
I notice this also. When I close pallettes and reopen it let me operate again for short while. Then next time I reopen document, they are unresponsive again.