-- and then ask the system to activate the new settings :
do shell script "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SystemAdministration.framework/Resources/activateSettings -u"
-- the next step is to save as a script in the script menu or automate this with an applet in background (idle handler)
-- You can enable or disable mouse scroll with command Line (here in applescript):
do shell script "defaults write com.apple.AppleMultitouchMouse MouseVerticalScroll -int 1" -- enable
do shell script "defaults write com.apple.AppleMultitouchMouse MouseVerticalScroll -int 0" -- disable
-- and then ask the system to activate the new settings :
do shell script "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SystemAdministration.framework/Resources/activateSettings -u"
-- the next step is to save as a script in the script menu or automate this with an applet in background (idle handler)