My feedback
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301 votes
Hi Everyone, This feature has been available since August 2020 release (version 24.3). Please update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: Thank you for all the feedback.
You can now select multiple layers in Layers panel. Click the bars (they get highlighted blue) if you want to operate layers and not their content (e.g. to drag to reorder) or click their markers to select their content — circle (target ones) or square (selection ones) next to them. There is no real difference which to pick, but if you want to select a range of layers, using Shift, use target markers.
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45 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Photoworx commentedWhile all of the tips here "work," they do so only temporarily. Here's the behavior I'm observing:
Each time you create a New document, Illustrator saves the dimensions, units, etc. as a template. The next time you create a New document, Illustrator will automatically select the most recently created template and use those dimensions, units, etc. as the defaults.
While the New document page apparently allows one to download additional templates from, I have not found any way to manage the list of templates.
I can see that for some users in some situations, making the new document just like the last one has merit. But at least for me -- and, I suspect, many others -- this is anti-productive. It also seems to come from the "Adobe knows more than you do" design philosophy which is annoying in all its manifestations.
Illustrator should let the user declare defaults: Units, sizes, etc. It could even be useful for the default to be "Same as previous" which would produce the current behavior.
Adobe should also recognize that by NOT allowing the user to control the list of templates in the New file dialog box, they are making the "feature" LESS useful. Suppose I have a handful of commonly used document sizes, but I also do lots of one-offs. If the New dialog showed me my list of common sizes, it would be easy to pick them. Instead, my New dialog box is going to show me all my recent one-offs. By definition, I'm not going to select any of them.
This would be a VERY useful feature and it should be trivially easy to implement. That said, there is a workaround. First, unlock everything. Second, highlight the items you want to select in the Layers Panel. Third, use the Layers Panel menu to choose "Options for selection...." When that menu pops up, click the Lock box. You now have locked all the highlighted objects. Fourth, use Object/.Unlock All. That not only unlocks all the objects that were locked -- it also selects them.
Unfortunately, the Options for selection... cannot be put in an action (either by recording or by inserting a menu item) so there's no way to fully automate the steps. You can, however, create an action that does the Unlock All followed by other things (e.g. "Group" to put all the highlighted items into a group).