My feedback
2 results found
80 votes
We have this issue fixed, please refer to steps below to solve the issue
XD defaulting to AI on Windows
-——————————————————————- Please update to latest version of XD (13.1.32) to resolve the issue. Thank you XD engineering team for solving this issue.
PS defaulting to AI on MAC
-——————————————————————- Please update to latest version of Illustrator (23.0.1) to solve this issue.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
Can't finish previewing. Could not complete the requested operation.
Screen Shot 2020-11-15 at 1.54.07 PM.png 70 KB -
AI SS 02.jpg 308 KB -
Screenshot 2018-10-24 at 15.56.35.png 222 KB -
螢幕截圖 2018-10-24 上午11.31.13.png 157 KB -
Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at 2.49.07 PM.png 252 KB -
The_operation.png 68 KB -
Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at 11.15.35.png 301 KB -
Screen Shot 2018-10-19 at 11.19.56.png 27 KB -
Screenshot 2018-10-18 22.16.41.png 19 KB -
Screen_Shot_2018-03-28_at_10.35.10_PM.png 39 KB
743 votesAn error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous supported this idea ·
Entire team is about to roll back to old version, because this issue... It sucks