Grammarly support for Illustrator and InDesign
Incorporating a Grammarly integration as part of the CC membership for Illustrator and InDesign would be INCREDIBLY helpful for many users. Even though these applications aren't word-processors, being able to reveiw documents for style etc. would be a huge bonus in my opinion.

We have passed this request along to Grammarly and that while Grammarly thought it would be useful, they’re unable to prioritize it at this time.
Johanna commented
I wish adobe had Grammarly.. think this every day working with Indesign!!!!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!
Sam commented
At this time? The OP was from 2 years ago.
Look; we can all design, but none of us can spell. If InDesign never updates, we will still be designing using InDesign, but we will still not be able to spell. Prioritize indeed.
Ben commented
This would save my life! I actually thought Grammarly already had this and was about to sign up, but NOPE!
Anonymous commented
they should seriosly consider priortizing it.
get the point..... -
Casey Clifford commented
Love Grammarly, love Adobe, let's make this happen already!
Kris commented
Another voice to add to this request
Nat commented
Yes, please! As a designer, my spelling is sooooo bad and I often repeat text accidentally when copying styles. Grammarly would help me loads in Indesign.
Stephanie Griner commented
I agree, any kind of active spellchecker would be awesome for Illustrator and Indesign.
William Rouse-Upjohn commented
I agree this would be great
Anonymous commented
I came on this thread searching for how to incorporate Grammarly into InDesign. It improves my online writing, but that is just a small part of my need. I'm surprised that Grammarly seems to be exclusively for online writing.
Bill Thrash commented
Illustrator IS a word-processor... words, photos, graphics, I prefer it to InDesign even for a magazine. Adobe needs to get rolling on this, as it is their largest failure with the program.
Kristi Stewart commented
I would pay EXTRA if Grammarly was incorporated into both Illustrator and InDesign.
Tara McCrackin commented
Adobe - you need Grammarly! This would improve the quality of the student presentations and for professionals in the field!
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Please do it.
Peter commented
Please hurry up and integrate Grammarly with InDesign and Illustrator. These programs have so many users globally who could greatly benefit from this product.
David commented
PLEASE add this feature even if we have to pay for Grammarly separately
Monica commented
YAAAASSSS!!! Please add!!!
Anonymous commented
it would save having to type small amounts of text in other programs such as word just to ensure there are no text mistakes
Tania commented
throwing my support in it!