Snap shape to artboard or bleeds
When you draw a rectangle as a background color or border, you could snap to the edges of the artboard or snap to the edges of the bleed.

Von Glitschka commented
Smart Guides only snaps to bleed if you have 'Alignment Guides' checked in preferences. Otherwise it'll never snap to the bleed which is annoying because I find alignment guides highly obtrusive when building. I wish I could assign keyboard shortcuts to 'Alignment Guides' to toggle on/off when needed instead of being embedded into smart guides control.
Helga Nowaczinski commented
Would be great to have "snap to bleed" as another option instead of "snap to selection" or "snap to artboard"
PedalGeoff commented
I concur: turning on Smart Guides allows snapping to bleed.
Snapping should work only when snapping is enabled. But snapping to bleed is a good idea.
Jason commented
This already happens with smart guides...?