Export for Screens, CMYK to RGB
When working in a CMYK Illustrator file, the Export for Screens function currently creates CMYK jpgs. Since it is for screens, it should convert to RGB. Or at least there should be an option to convert the color mode for the exported files.
In a package design project, the files are primarily for printing, but digital mockups are a secondary purpose. So it is necessary for the CMYK color mode to be converted to RGB. Export for Screens seems like it should inherently create RGB files.
20230227_HYOF_DigniTea_Socials_I am 01.jpg 1762 KB -
RGB colour issue Screenshot 2023-02-27 113854.png 436 KB -
Screen Shot 2022-08-24 at 11.23.13.png 108 KB -
Screen Shot 2022-08-24 at 12.38.51.png 196 KB -
Screen Shot 2022-08-24 at 11.23.26.png 67 KB -
Screen Shot 2022-08-24 at 12.39.02.png 292 KB -
Screen Shot 2021-07-12 at 8.38.08 PM.jpg 302 KB

Hi Everyone,
This functionality is available in our latest release build – 27.6.1.
Color Model selection for JPG is available in Export For Screens -> Advanced settings. Illustrator will allow you to choose - RGB, CMYK or Grayscale color model.
What's New in the release - https://helpx.adobe.com/in/illustrator/using/whats-new.html
Thank you for all the feedback.
Gina commented
To export for screens in RGB, go to File>Document Color Mode>RGB. Exported files will be in the same color mode as the ai file.
Anonymous commented
While Asset Export is super covenant, it changes my color settings to RGB when saved as a PNG, or JPG and I don't want that. It would be nice to have the option to pick which color setting we'd want it to be.
Thanks in advance!
Bryce Farlow commented
I was SO HOPEFUL today during Adobe Max, when they said they changed how Export for Screens worked, that they had added this... but alas, they added something else with file locations.
Adobe, please add this. I commonly design, then send my stuff to a 3D renderer before printing, and they operate in RGB... I don't like having to save as, and would prefer to use Export for Screens, but I don't, then, want to have to convert them all to RGB.
Anonymous commented
Screens = RGB, This is infuriating that it doesn't work properly.
ejmaletz commented
Yes, please add color mode options to JPEG options on "export for screens." I typically work in CMYK mode but need to be able to efficiently export in both CMYK and RGB formats.
Fredde commented
It's so strange. Export for screens are the only option for exporting DPI under 72, but there is no RGB convertion... ok I'll use regular export then.. Now you can use RGB conversion buuuuut you can't go under 72dpi... why... why set at lmit at 72?... why leave out RGB conversion for "export for screens" when there are only RGB screens.
Peter commented
There's already a thread, with more votes... Join us! :D
Peter commented
There's already a thread, with more votes... Join us! :D
Peter commented
Here's already a thread, with more votes... Join us! :D
Anonymous commented
Please add convert to sRGB function... and more.... A prefect export flow would be a hybrid between the current Illustrator and Photoshop schemas.
Lyam commented
Any fix on this yet? I really need to export my CMYK designs for screens in RBG!
It's ridiculous that the option is not there and it really disrupts my workflow! -
Anonymous commented
John Paulhus commented
I don't understand why Export for Screens can't simply be Export (for screens and/or print).
The resulting screen should give one all kinds of savable options that can be used to export screen and print assets alike, depending on one's project or workflow.
The resulting screen should allow one to export to any screen or print file type, at any dimensions, at any resolution
Anonymous commented
This apparently was added and then removed. You can see the option in the dark UI screenshot. As of Illustrator v23, they've removed it again (light UI screenshot). Please bring it back, it was an important part of our workflow.
Von Glitschka (Vonster) commented
There needs to be a settings for the Asset Export that allows us to select a default color mode to export with. I always build in CMYK and it's irritating to have to convert the whole file to RGB in order to use Asset Export to export out an RGB jpeg etc. Give us a option menu setting that is something like: Export CMYK as RGB. I always export out CMYK jpegs by accident. Doesn't matter on Instagram, but other platforms they look like **** because it's a CMYK image. I NEVER export out CMYK images from Ai. And why you're at it add: Native Ai to the export format options.
Anthony Esau commented
As of August 21, 2019, Export for Screens still only saves files in the same profile as the document, no option to export the RGB files from a CMYK document.
I need to save CMYK designs that will eventually be printed as RGB files to make digital mockups numerous times before the end result. For some projects this must be done multiple times every day across a number of artboards worth of designs (putting exhibit design elements into 3D models of the exhibits). So saving out to RGB files would save a lot of extra effort to convert the files as a secondary step outside Illustrator.
Leon Sokoletski commented
While working on a CMYK print-oriented project, there is a need to create screen versions for approval/mockup/testing options. These files have to be converted to RGB, since they are for screens. Currently, there is no option to do this within the Export for Screens dialog box. As well, this is essential that the color conversion will be executed by the Adobe Color Engine (ACE).
I suggest:
1. To add Convert to RGB option to Export for Screens dialog box.
2. That would be nice to be able to choose the RBG profile to which to convert and to include the ICC within the file. -
Jeff Richetti commented
Apparently it got fixed in the last update. Not quite sure i'm 100% right, though.
Alexander from Holland commented
SPRING 2019 ADOBE CC iIllustrator problem. Exporting from CMYK to JPG BUG.Exporting to JPG always RGB, now it export automatic into CMYK. Lol on a screen, thats not so good. Please help @admin
Anonymous commented
How can you improve Illustrator? I'll tell you how. Blow the f**ing crapstorm of a program up and fire all the potheads who created it or ever worked on it, as well as any executive who approved it. Replace it with Freehand, which is light years better than Illustrator ever was or will be, and it hasn't been developed in nearly a decade.