Allow gradient swatches to be added to CC library
It's great to have colors in the cc library but why can't those colors be gradients too? Please allow us to add gradient swatches to the cc library. Thanks

Vedat Öncelik (Freelance Grafiker) commented
I agree, pattern swatches too!
Anonymous commented
Definitely would use gradients, a key design element in my company's brand.
Anonymous commented
Gradient swatches in CC libraries!
Marcelo commented
I also would like this feature. It's truly a bad oversight on Adobe to not include gradients or patterns swatches as options for a cc library.
Anonymous commented
I agree, pattern swatches too!
Mark Gould commented
And pattern fill swatches too! Separately, save pattern brushes to CC Libraries, and integrate pattern brushes with Capture.
Anonymous commented
So agree with this!!! I need to use the same gradients over and over and I cannot figure out how to get them so they just open automatically with my files or when I open libraries.
Crysta commented
I totally agree. You should also be allowed to add gradients to folders in the swatches panel.
Jess commented
Agree. Thanks for suggesting.
DPMTPA commented
Yeah I have to copy gradients from other files. so annoying
Anonymous commented
Yes, I agree. This limitation is annoying.