Allow gradient swatches to be added to CC library
It's great to have colors in the cc library but why can't those colors be gradients too? Please allow us to add gradient swatches to the cc library. Thanks

We have released the support for Gradient swatches in CC library with our latest release - v29.3
You can select the gradient swatch in swatches panel and add it to CC Library through the button on the bottom bar in the panel. You can also select any object which has gradient applied and add that gradient to CC Library through Add Elements from the Libraries panel and choose Fill Gradient from the drop-down menu.
Please update to this version from your Creative Cloud Desktop application and let us know your feedback.
Stuart Chesters commented
I guess it is one step forward (an amazingly slow motion one at that) but it is also two steps back as isn't the whole point to be able to sync assets. If you can't use an asset saved in CC library in InDesign or Photoshop then it's kinda pointless. We'll just carry on using our current work-arounds. I'm happy to say, I will find it useful for work that I only do only within illustrator as I do make use of the CC library for common icon assets and colors and having to always start from an old document with my gradients, patterns and then remove everything I don't want will be time saved and is progress.
On a side note I wonder if it's utterly demoralising working for Adobe as I rarely ever see much in the way of cheering for them, in terms of users on these boards. Sure employees and paid promoters are high fiving awesomeness, but they're living in an Adobe bubble that doesn't seem to have much understanding of the professional environment their product is being used in.
As a long-term user I do appreciate progress but you must understand that time-scales of years and little to zero interaction on a clearly useful feature is a bit of a sad inditement.
Ton commented
Julie, yes InDesign does not seem to support the gradients, but Photoshop does (on a layer).
Julie commented
It's great! But I don't see the point since we can't acces the gradient in Photoshop or inDesign...
I have just tried it, and saving a gradient in Illustrator CC Library doesn't give the access to use in either in inDesign nor in Photoshop...
Then I don't see the difference between saving the Swatched panel and saving the CC library since you can only use it on Illustrator...
The option in greyed out on the inDesign CC Library panel for instance (see on screenshot) -
Alicia Briscoe commented
Darien commented
When can we please see more about Illustrator Max.
There are videos on youtube giving examples of this. Can someone from Adobe please make a video on if this is real or just something that will never see this as a part of Illustrator.
This--> Can Adobe team please confirm if this is already a part of Illustrator or not. Other than it's deeply misleading.
Yes it seems very interesting and has great potential, However on the videos there are no representation from the Adobe team members.
Can someone please create a video an official one so we the users of Illustrator can find tutorials on how to use this tool.
Chris Daugaard commented
7 years, 5 months, 3 weeks and 4 days later we finally received this feature! 🥳
Great job Adobe! Can you please add Freeform Gradient support though. That's what the cool kids are using these days. -
A related request:
Allow adding of Freeform Gradients to CC Library panel it fact 'freeform gradients' can’t even be stored as local swatches: -
Luis Encuentra commented
They don't have money
They don't have resources
They don't have enough employees
They don't have intention...
As ever.... pay and wait... -
Chris Daugaard commented
It's been over 6 years! This is plenty of time to incorporate this feature.
Mike Gondek commented
Waiting on this very obvious request.since 2017
Ambrose Reed commented
Currently, creating a gradient from brand colors in Libraries is painful, and you can't save gradients themselves to Libraries, only an object with a gradient applied. I would LOVE it if swatches and Libraries were more integrated in some way, so that I could have all my brand colors and frequently used gradients ready by default rather than having to recreate them constantly or copy and paste elements from other documents as a workaround.
Muhammadhussein Ammari commented
In 2024 I am still waiting for this feature to be added.
Anonymous commented
And while you are at it. Please include patterns as well.
James Woods commented
Erm, kinda lost for words. Does anyone know if they've *ever* responded to this other than it being under review?
K-O commented
Under review since 2017. Wow almost 7 years.
Pedro Neto commented
super important feature.
Guillaume ROBERT-FAMY commented
I couldn't agree more...
"6 years guys ! 6 **** YEARS
Well, you've lost a user here! I'm done !
Tired of these money makers without consideration in BASIC FUNCTION patchingYou should be ashamed of yourself adobe
For the others, better call astute graphics if you ever want an actual solution to a problem
or go Affinity designer
see ya :!!!
Rick Nweg commented
This is ridiculous! Pls go and ask Maxon how to store gradients. And copy their colorpicker ui while you're at it.
Jean-Michel Le Goff commented
Yes, as @Mark says, add Patterns too
Dina Dembicki commented
Agreed. Decent workaround, if you're working on a computer, is to make a custom palette. But that doesn't help if you're working on a mobile device. Maybe just create a file saved to your library that has your gradients in boxes and then open and copy/paste into the current document? I don't use libraries much since I don't have to share.